Holiday Closure: EFCU will be closed on Monday, February 17th for President's Day.
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As the only Colorado credit union, or bank, with a unionized office staff (organized through OPEIU Local 30), EFCU members can rest assured knowing they have access to competitive financial products and services while also supporting fellow labor union members.
If you are affiliated with any of the following Colorado Labor Unions, or if you are a family member of an EFCU member, you are eligible to be a member of EFCU:
IBEW Local 68, IBEW Local 111, SMART Local 9, Plumbers Local 3 (PPF/UA Denver), UFCW 7, Carpenters Local 55, OPEIU 30, Denver Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) or any labor union affiliated with either the Colorado AFL-CIO or the Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF)

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